Monday Memo
Monday Memo September 9, 2024
Hello Everyone,
-Margo Yie, GCFM Chairperson for Design Workshops is hosting the first of 3 Design Workshops on Tuesday, October 15th from 10 - 11:30 AM at St. Susanna Parish in Dedham. The workshop features Marcia Connors, a National Garden Club Flower Show Judge. She will teach about the principle of balance in floral design. Click here for more detailed information.
-The Topsfield Fair Flower Show is being held October 4 - 15th. Pat Fleming, GCFM Chairperson for the Topsfield Fair is your contact for more information. Click here for more detailed schedule information.
-From Penny Pines to Plant-A-Tree. There is a new name change from National Garden Club and also a dollar amount change. Please note that the new name should be changed to Plant-A-Tree in your yearbooks. The amount of $68 has been canceled and they are now broadening it to amounts as small as $50 upwards to $10,000. Also, certificates will no longer be mailed out to the clubs after May 31, 2025. They will then be sending digital certificates that your own club can print and redesign if they wish. The New Plant-A-Tree Fact Sheet and the Plant-A-Tree Application form have been updated on the GCFM website. Our GCFM Chairperson is Aparna Kumar. Please contact her for any other questions.
NGC has up to $2000.00 for community projects. Projects can range from massive bulb planting to creating a mini-park on an unused city block to raised beds to grow vegetables for community food banks. You can work with schools or municipalities, or other community organizations.
Plant America grants are unique in the fact that monies are given before the grants so clubs don’t have to generate all the funds upfront. All projects must be initiated in 2025. The grants aren’t available for projects already completed. Application deadline is October 15, 2024. Application information can be found at the NGC website: The fillable PDF 2-page application can be found at: If you have any questions, contact
-Blue and Gold Star Memorial If there is any club interested in starting a Blue Star Garden, please contact Lynn Noland or Joy DiMaggio or look on our website for more detailed information. Click here.
-Can pull tabs for Shriners This week The GCFM Executive Team will be visiting 2 districts for the District Fall Meeting in Northeastern and Central North Districts. If your club has been saving can pull tabs for Shriners, please bring them to the district meeting being held on 9/12 and 9/14 respectively. These meetings are open to members but the focus is for presidents and treasurers to update them on GCFM and NGC information.
-NGC Environmental School, Course 3 offered by NGC October 7 & 8, 2024 Register here.
-In our opening meeting last week, we welcomed to the Board of Directors the following people: Connie Filosi, Chair of Landscape Design Council. Connie is a member of the Stoneham Garden Club Chris Cotter, Chair of Gardening Consultants Council. Chris is a member of the Lakeville Garden Club Dania Matheos, Chair of Horticulture. Dania is a member of the Cohasset Garden Club Mary Bandouveres, Chair of Youth Contests. Mary is a member of the Springfield Garden Club Linda Thomson-Clem, Cranberry District Director is now also District Director for Metro Donna Garrabrant, District Director for Southeastern is now also Asst District Director for Northern Their contact information will be in the Federated yearbook which presidents will receive at their designated District Fall Meetings. Enjoy each day. Marjorie Dienhart GCFM President
In the world of your backyard, you have the power to grow food and be a hero for the smallest and most magnificent creatures. -Local Food Movement