To encourage interest in plants, the Horticulture Committee sponsors the Flower of the Month program.
The rules are as follows:
All members are encouraged to participate.
Suggestions for a given month are indicated in the Yearbook. However, any specimen grown by a member may be entered at any time.
The Horticulture Committee will judge each entry, considering clean foliage, color, form, and condition of the blossom. You get two extra points for the correct complete botanical name.
The member with the highest score for the year will receive a prize at the annual meeting.
A member may enter more than one specimen per meeting. However, the entry with the highest rating will the member's score for the month.
All specimens must be placed on the table prior to the start of the meeting. We do provide bottles, but you may bring your own to show the entry to its best advantage.
Please complete a 3"x 5" card for each entry. On the front of the card, show the botanical name (if known) as well as the common name of the specimen. On the back, write the member's name and date.
Please collect your horticulture specimen at the end of the meeting.
Please bring your entries 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.